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  • Writer's pictureFunctional Lifestyles


They help us stand tall. They help us keep moving. And though we put a lot of pressure on them, they still hold us up. No, we’re not talking about your loved one/s. (Although, if that's your answer – aww 😂) We’re talking about YOUR FEET! Each foot is made up of 26 bones, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments, all of which work together to provide support, balance and mobility. There are approximately 8,000 nerves in the feet—that’s more per square centimeter than any place else on your body. The average person takes 8000-10000 steps a day You can imagine how much dysfunction can happen at the feet alone, and on top of that most of us are wearing shoes that look like Skechers Shape Ups. Remember that your foot is a "Stable" Joint and the ankle is a "Mobile" Joint. So if you have a foot problem it will only travel up the chain causing ankle, knee, hip and back issues. If you’re always moving around in shoes that restrict proper foot function:

  • Your foot will become stiff and weak

  • Your ankle will tighten up to compensate for what is not happening at the foot.

  • Your foot will start pronating at the foot which will internally rotate the leg leading to pain at the knee, hip and eventually back.

Today I want to give you easy simple tips to help improve the functionality of your foot/ankle complex. ☮️ Channel your inner-hippie and Go BAREFOOT! Going barefoot as much as you can assists with:

  • Better control of your foot position when it strikes the ground

  • Improvements in balance, proprioception, and body awareness, which can help with pain relief

  • Better foot mechanics which can lead to improved mechanics of the hips, knees, and core

  • Maintaining appropriate range of motion in your foot and ankle joints as well as adequate strength and stability within your muscles and ligaments

  • Relief from improperly fitting shoes, which may cause bunions, hammertoes, or other foot deformities

  • Strengthens leg muscles which support the lower back

🦩 Channel your inner-flamingo and stand on one leg more often! When you’re brushing your teeth, washing dishes, standing in line for coffee or wherever you are, stand on one leg. Standing on one leg forces your leg/foot/core muscles to turn on to improve stability. Fun Fact: If you’re a runner, remember that running is 100% a single leg exercise. So, if you can't stand on one leg without movement, I guarantee that you’re running has compensation. Standing on one leg is one of the easiest ways to improve your strength, stability, balance and motor control for the feet. Channel your inner…uhhh - Well, just get shoes that actually get your feet to work! The majority of people are not wearing shoes that allow for the foot to properly function. (Toe box is too narrow, Heel cushion is taller than forefoot, Sole is too thick etc) My recommendation for everyday wear and lifting is Vivo Barefoot, Vibram Toe Shoes (requires confidence), Altra's for running, Reebok Nanos are not bad for lifting/everyday wear, and any company that has wide toe box, minimalist sole design and allows for the foot to function like there is no shoe there. Follow us on Instagram: This week we’re going over foot function! -Functional LIfestyles

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